Healthy, sustainable, and efficient homes.
Architects, engineers and builders are realizing the potential of Dowel Laminated Timber (DLT) as a healthy, sustainable and energy efficient mass timber product. And it looks darn good!
Healthy, sustainable, and efficient homes.
All About Mass Timber
As the benefits of mass timber have become truly understood its use continues to grow in North America. If you’d like to learn more, use the buttons below to explore the topics.
DLT at International Timberframes
We believe wood is the most natural and healthy material to build with. We also understand that construction is a major contributor to waste. We must take whole-hearted steps to conserve our planet by doing everything as sustainably as we possibly can.
Therefore we design, manufacture and install a 100% wood DLT mass timber product called Wood100® DLT: no glue, no nails, just 100% wood. When you start adding layers of glue then many benefits are diminished, particularly in the areas of health and sustainability.
We have 25 years experience in mass timber, having worked on development of DLT in Europe in the 1990’s.

What is DLT?
To produce DLT, layers of wood are friction-fit together with hardwood dowels rather than glue or nails/screws. The dowels hold the boards together, the friction fit achieved by the differing moisture content of the softwood boards and the hardwood dowels.
The lumber layers are assembled into solid wood panels designed for walls, floor, ceilings and roof structures. Depending on the application, multiple layers of wood can be used to create panels up to 310mm thick. The resulting indestructible solid wooden blocks perform better than other construction methods at heat insulation, fire security, radiation shielding, earthquake safety and protection against condensation and mould growth.
After designing and pre-planning for location of windows, electrical and plumbing where relevant, the solid wood panels are pre-fabricated here in our shop. When the site is ready they are delivered and assembled quickly and efficiently.
*We also offer the production of DLT billets for secondary manufacturers.

Different Types of DLT
We produce 2 types of DLT: crossed and stacked. These 2 products have different strengths and appearances and therefore different applications. Below is the difference in the two at manufacture:
Sometimes it is the different aesthetic of each product that drives the choice of which one to use. However there are important differences between the two in terms of application and performance:
- stacked DLT has higher structural values for ceilings and roofs
- crossed DLT has higher structural values for shear walls and in seismic zones
- crossed DLT offers superior thermal insulation over stacked DLT, NLT and glulam. It has almost double the R-value of any other solid wood product. This means that you can build a highly insulated wall in a similar thickness (14”) to that of a regular framed house to reach a U-value of 0.2
Why we love (and make) DLT
Wood Fibre Board Insulation
To keep your Wood100®DLT home fully natural and sustainable, we also provide wood fibre board insulation. Wood fibre insulation is a safe, natural, and high performing alternative to many synthetic insulation options currently on the market.
We are suppliers of the Pavatex brand of wood fibre board insulation. These sustainable wood fibre boards are made from waste wood that is collected from various sawmills, heated and then pressurized.
The thermal insulation and carbon storage properties, and the easy handling format of the boards, mean that the material is ideal for use in a wide range of construction applications.
It is characterized by superior breathability, allowing moisture to move within a wall or roofing system and regulating it at safe levels to prevent it from entering the building fabric.
The advantages of wood fibre insulation such as Pavatex are crucial for the environment, building owners and contractors.